Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, there are many phenomena that newborns experience that parents wonder about and whether they are normal or indicate a problem that needs specific treatment. In this article, we will review for you some of these natural phenomena that do not require concern and do not require any medical treatment:
Clogged nose
Many mothers complain of their infant's blocked nose after giving birth. This phenomenon occurs for several reasons, including the presence of fluids in the upper respiratory tract remaining from the uterus. Also, the infant’s frequent crying helps to create more mucus in the nose and respiratory tract. This may sometimes cause difficulty breathing during
breastfeeding, or a rattling sound may be produced during breathing, similar to a child suffering from a flu or cold, so some mothers resort to using saline nasal drops or nasal aspirators. This phenomenon is normal and does not require specific treatment. The condition may last for many months, but it does not affect the baby’s breastfeeding, growth, or breathing in general. It is not recommended to use any nasal drops to treat the condition because the benefit is negligible and the discharge goes away on its own over time.:Discharges from the eye
There is a small channel that connects the eye to the nose, called the tear duct. Blockage of this duct is common in newborns, and its symptoms include discharge from one or both eyes, which is sometimes severe. The doctor distinguishes between this condition, which does not require treatment, and cases of eye inflammation or infection, because there is no redness in the eye, unlike the case of infection, and the whites of the eyes remain white. Eye infections are currently rare in newborns because they receive eye infection protective ointment at birth. Tear duct blockage does not require treatment with drops or ointments and goes away over time, which may sometimes reach the age of one year.
Green stool
Stool derives its color from a substance produced by the liver, and its pigmentation depends on the amount of this substance and how long the stool remains in the intestine. Sometimes the color of this substance is green and causes the stool to be green, which is normal and does not mean that there is a problem or infection that requires specific treatment.
:Blood from the navel area
After birth, the base of the navel is in a continuous process of separation until it falls, and during this period it is normal to see a small amount of blood or some yellow secretions. This does not require using medical swabs or antibiotic cream on the area.
:Hiccups and sneezing
occur frequently in newborns and may last more than ten minutes. Also,
sneezing occurs frequently in newborns, which does not indicate the
occurrence of a cold or infection. The child does not need specific
treatment for these conditions and they disappear on their own over time
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